The Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is a new thought philosophy that was created by Phineas Quimby in the early 19th century. It states that positive or negative thoughts will bring positive or negative outcomes. It is the belief that what we have ability to attract in to our life whatever we focus on. In a positive sense, the law of attraction states that if we believe, we can achieve. 

Is the Law of Attraction real?
Many doubt the credibility of this thought philosophy without applying the teachings to their own life. I ask that those uncertain of its power, challenge themselves to think positively about all future events for the next week; visualising the best outcome in each situation, in great detail. See what happens. Throughout history, many a successful person has been an advocate of this philosophy, including: Shakespeare, Newton, Beethoven, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey and Denzel Washington. 

How do i use it?
The Law of Attraction encourages you to assume responsibility for your own future. To apply it positively you must first understand that your future is a blank canvas and the only person that can change the landscape, is you. Once you understand this, it's a process of creating an idea, holding it in your minds eye, giving it consistent and clear attention and believing in yourself. By positively visualising your dreams and goals and consolidating these ideas with physical and mental effort, the law of attraction states that your dreams, can indeed, become a reality. 

For those interested in researching the topic further, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a great read that delves deeper in to the roots of the philosophy. 

I'll leave you with the immortal words of the Buddha "What you have become is what you have thought". 
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