
Showing posts from October, 2019


What is it? The art of now, the power of now, mindfulness. Three expressions that mean the same thing. Mindfulness is the practice of living in the now and appreciating each moment as it happens. It is taking time out of your day simply to stop doing and simply be. It is said to have great benefits as in the now, problems do not exist and we are already complete and perfect. Why do we need it? Life unfolds in the now but so often we are focussed on either the past or the future that we forget to appreciate the present moment. When we are at work, we are thinking of holidays, when we are on holiday we think about work and so on and so on. The vicious cycle continues. We spend so much time worrying about what the future brings or what the past has brought that we forget to stop, take a breath and enjoy the now.  How best to explain it You, as an entity, are made up of 2 things; yourself and your thoughts. It is often the case that our thoughts control us, an endless cas...

The Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction is a new thought philosophy that was created by Phineas Quimby in the early 19th century. It states that positive or negative thoughts will bring positive or negative outcomes. It is the belief that what we have ability to attract in to our life whatever we focus on. In a positive sense, the law of attraction states that if we believe, we can achieve.  Is the Law of Attraction real? Many doubt the credibility of this thought philosophy without applying the teachings to their own life. I ask that those uncertain of its power, challenge themselves to think positively about all future events for the next week; visualising the best outcome in each situation, in great detail. See what happens. Throughout history, many a successful person has been an advocate of this philosophy, including: Shakespeare, Newton, Beethoven, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey and Denzel Washington.  How do i use it? The Law of Attraction encourag...

The Digital Nomad

What is a Digital Nomad? A Digital Nomad is someone who uses technology and telecommunications to earn a living while travelling to and from different destinations without a fixed habitation. The modern day digital nomad often travels all over the globe, residing in a multitude of destinations for varying lengths of time. They fund their travels through some sort of online business which could be a drop shipping store, online consulting, freelance artwork design etc. Why would I want to be a Digital Nomad? The main attraction of this lifestyle to most is the freedom to travel to destinations that were previously unattainable while earning a living. Visiting strange countries and experiencing new cultures can be daunting at first but if fully embraced, stress can be reduced, confidence can be raised and skills can be developed. Geographical independence is another reason that Digital Nomads love the life they live; independent of location, the globe is at their doorstep. Often, Di...

Modern Stoicism

Origins Stoicism is an ancient Greek school of philosophy developed by Zeno of Citium around 300 BC. It's a philosophy based on personal ethics which teaches the development of self control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. The teachings of stoicism have stood the test of time and the stoic mindset still has a practical use in todays society. Teachings Stoicism focuses on controlling our own actions and directing our own thoughts in a world filled with unpredictability. It teaches that we cannot control or change external events that have already happened, all we can do is provide our best response to any situation. Aptly put - "Focus on what you can control, accept what you can't". Stoicism also teaches students to live a virtuous, benevolent life. Through 4 cardinal virtues, stoic philosophy teaches us to become our best selves and flourish as human beings. These are: Wisdom Fairness Courage  Self Discipline Through perpetua...


What is minimalism? Minimalism, at its core, is about living with intention and only buying or using things you really need. It's a lifestyle choice that allows you to discard of any distractions and focus on what matters most; leading to a more productive, attentive life. What isn't minimalism? If you google minimalism you'll be met with the idea that it's just a visual art form that was created in the 1950's. That may be minimalisms origin story but that description does not convey the blossoming lifestyle movement that minimalism has become today. Another misconception is that all minimalists are jobless, yurt living, new era millennials with fewer than 20 possessions. Minimalism is not about an endless pursuit of less, it's about only living with the items or material possessions that you truly value. More aptly put; minimalism is about intentionality not deprivation. Why do we need minimalism? Consumer culture and incredibly persuasive marketing ca...